Sunday, March 10, 2013

So... I am really confused about these weird ass rumors going around lately about Jade. Supposedly she is pregnant, creating a solo album, blah blah blah. I dont know what to believe anymore people. If any of you know what actually is going on with Jade recently please message me or comment. Thankyou people (weather you are existent or not)

1 comment:

  1. This is Jades Grandnother, she is not pg, she is in the studio as I type working on her solo album, it will not be done until late this year, they are heading out soon for 5/6 mos of touring.She and the band have completed their 3rd album, Alex and his girlfried have a beautiful baby girl. Jade and Alex have not been a couple for sometime, they are however the very best of friends and will always be that.Jade has also moved on in her personel life. She is as sweet and tender in real life as she is on stage. Her song writing is incredible as is her voice.Her solo album will knock your soaks off.
    Hope this note ans your questions.
    Jades Grandmother June
